Our mission is to provide a forum for women to communicate with each other and express their creativity and spirituality. Here at Spirit in Art, we feel that the mind, body and soul are linked and all need nurturing and attention in order to be healthy. Once the individual is healthy, the outside world can be nurtured into a healthy community, thus making the world into a better place. That is our ultimate goal--to make a difference and make things better. That is what we want for our children, and that is the world we can create.
We invite you to also visit our sister company, one-gallery at www.one--gallery.com. one-gallery offers jewelry made through a global effort and portraying a unifying attitude. Plus, 5% of every purchase goes to help the Childreach Organization, a non-profit organization making a positive impact on children and their families from poverty-stricken countries.
If you know of another way to help us fulfill our mission, please contact us. Thank you for your continued support.